Jasmine, the romantic and therapeutic flower

The flower with a thousand and one vertues


Originally from the Himalayas and Chinese lands, jasmine means « God’s gift » in Arabic. Symbolically, jasmine is synonymous with purity and simplicity. For centuries, jasmine has been found in all the warms regions of the world, especially in Central Asia. In France, the city of Grasse has specialised in the jasmine culture for perfumery. It only blooms from June to October and can only be picked by hand because of its fragility.


Did you know?

  • There are over 200 types of jasmine but only three are used in perfumery
  • 1 kilo of absolute essence requires 7 million of flowers
  • Jasmine is a climbing bush that can reach 5 meters.


Jasmine flower is the symbol of romance and love in many countries:

  • It is the national flower in Pakistan, and is worn in a wreath by newly married couples
  • It t is also used in wedding ceremonies in Indonesia
  • In Tunisia, to offer white jasmine is a proof of love
  • Jasmine is considered a symbol of beauty and feminity in the Orient
  • And it is associated with the God of love in India.


The use of jasmine has revealed a lot of therapeutic virtues:

  • Digestion, thanks to its antioxidant effects
  • Anxiety, with its anti-stress action
  • Skin problems, with its antiseptic and healing properties
  • Female cycle disorders


In perfumery, the floral olfactory family is the most important, jasmine and rose reign. To create a romantic, soft and generous atmosphere, complying with your DNA, jasmine will suit perfectly! Contact us by email at administration@smw-france.com to create your own customised olfactory signature.